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    Resources Translator Remind me to turn on the washing machine before we leave.

Remind me to turn on the washing machine before we leave.

Translation result
Recuérdame encender la lavadora antes de irnos. Remind me to turn on the washing machine before we leave.

remind verb

1. put in the mind of someone.

The teacher reminded the students to submit their assignments on time, so they wouldn't forget and get penalized. El profesor recordó a los estudiantes que entreguen sus tareas a tiempo, de manera que no se olviden y no reciban sanciones.
Sarah's mother reminded her to call her grandmother on her birthday, making sure she didn't miss the special occasion. La madre de Sarah le recordó a ella llamar a su abuela en su cumpleaños, asegurándose de que no se perdiera la ocasión especial.

2. assist (somebody acting or reciting) by suggesting the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned.

The prompter reminded the actor with his cue cards, helping him remember the lines he had struggled to recall. El promotor recordó al actor con sus tarjetas de guía, ayudándolo a recordar las líneas que había tenido dificultades para recopilar.
During the poetry reading, the instructor stood beside the student and reminded her of the correct phrases as she spoke from memory. Durante la lectura de poesía, el instructor se quedó al lado del estudiante y le recordó las frases correctas mientras ella hablaba desde la memoria.

turn verb

1. change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense.

As I reached the fork in the road, I had to turn left to continue on the scenic route. Mientras llegaba al cruce de carretera, tuve que dar un giro a la izquierda para continuar por el recorrido panorámico.

2. undergo a transformation or a change of position or action.

The company's fortunes began to turn around after they introduced a new marketing strategy, which led to a significant increase in sales. Las fortunas de la empresa comenzaron a girar en torno después de que presentaron una nueva estrategia de marketing, lo que llevó a un aumento significativo en las ventas.

3. undergo a change or development.

As she entered adulthood, she began to turn away from her childhood fascination with superheroes and develop a passion for photography instead. Al entrar en la adultez, comenzó a apartarse de su fascinación infantil con los superhéroes y desarrollar una pasión por la fotografía en su lugar.

4. cause to move around or rotate.

The dancer's instructor turned her around so she could face the opposite direction on the stage. La instructora del bailarina la dio la vuelta para que enfrentara en sentido contrario a la dirección opuesta en el escenario.

5. change to the contrary.

The politician's stance on the issue suddenly turned when she was confronted with new evidence, and she began advocating for a different solution. La postura del político sobre el tema cambió bruscamente cuando se le presentó nueva evidencia y comenzó a promover una solución diferente.

6. pass to the other side of.

As we crossed the busy street, I turned onto Main Avenue, careful not to get hit by any cars. Mientras cruzábamos la calle concurrida, me desvíe hacia la Avenida Principal, cuidando mucho no ser atropellado por cualquier coche.

7. pass into a condition gradually, take on a specific property or attribute.

As she spent more time outdoors, her complexion began to turn a warm golden brown from being constantly exposed to the sun. Mientras pasaba más tiempo al aire libre, su complexión comenzó a tomar un tono dorado y cálido debido a estar constantemente expuesta al sol.

8. let (something) fall or spill from a container.

As I was trying to pour the juice into the glass, I accidentally turned the bottle, and it spilled all over the counter. Mientras intentaba verter el jugo en la taza, accidentalmente giré la botella y se derramó todo sobre la cuenta.

9. move around an axis or a center.

The Ferris wheel slowly turned, giving riders a panoramic view of the city. La rueda de Ferris giraba lentamente, ofreciendo a los pasajeros una vista panorámica de la ciudad.

10. cause to move around a center so as to show another side of.

The artist carefully turned the vase on its axis to reveal the intricate design on its underside. El artista cuidadosamente giró la vaso en su eje para revelar el diseño intrincado en su parte inferior.

11. to send or let go.

The coach turned the ball to the center forward, who was waiting in perfect position. El entrenador le pasó el balón al delantero centro, que esperaba en posición perfecta.

12. to break and turn over earth especially with a plow.

The farmer used his tractor to turn the soil in preparation for planting wheat in the spring. El agricultor utilizó su tractor para revolver la tierra en preparación para sembrar trigo en primavera.

13. shape by rotating on a lathe or cutting device or a wheel.

The skilled woodworker carefully turned the chunk of wood into a beautiful wooden bowl. El hábil carpintero cuidadosamente giró el trozo de madera en una hermosa taza de madera.

14. change color.

The leaves on the tree began to turn golden yellow in the fall, signaling the end of summer. Las hojas del árbol comenzaron a tornar amarillo dorado en otoño, señalizando el fin del verano.

15. twist suddenly so as to sprain.

While attempting to break in, the thief turned his ankle on the loose stone and cried out in pain. Mientras intentaba forzar la entrada, el ladrón se torció el tobillo sobre la piedra suelta y lanzó un grito de dolor.

16. cause to change or turn into something different;assume new characteristics.

The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him Traducción de 'The princess turned the frog into a prince by kissing him'
The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold Traducción de 'The alchemists tried to turn lead into gold'

17. accomplish by rotating.

The chef carefully turned the spatula to ensure the eggs cooked evenly in the pan. El chef cuidadosamente giró la espátula para asegurarse de que los huevos se cocinaran uniformemente en la sartén.

18. get by buying and selling.

After years of struggling to make ends meet, John finally managed to turn his life around by investing in stocks and real estate. Después de años de luchar para llegar a fin de mes, John finalmente logró dar un giro a su vida invirtiendo en acciones y bienes raíces.

19. cause to move along an axis or into a new direction.

The driver turned the wheel sharply to avoid hitting the pedestrian who had stepped off the curb. El conductor giró el volante bruscamente para evitar atropellar al peatón que había salido del acanto.""El conductor giró el volante bruscamente para evitar atropellar al peatón que había salido del bordillo.

20. channel one's attention, interest, thought, or attention toward or away from something.

As I walked into the concert hall, the lights and music suddenly turned my attention to the stage, where the band was about to start playing. Mientras caminaba hacia el salón de concierto, las luces y la música me llamaron repentinamente la atención hacia el escenario, donde la banda estaba a punto de empezar a tocar.

21. cause (a plastic object) to assume a crooked or angular form.

The sculptor carefully turned the molten plastic into a intricate, curved design that seemed to defy gravity. El escultor cuidadosamente dio forma al plástico fundido en un diseño intrincado y curvo que parecía desafiar la gravedad.

22. alter the functioning or setting of.

The pilot had to turn off the engine's ignition switch before attempting to repair it on the ground. El piloto tuvo que apagar el interruptor de encendido del motor antes de intentar repararlo en tierra.

23. direct at someone.

The coach turned her attention to the new player, urging them to take more shots during the game. El entrenador dirigió su atención hacia el nuevo jugador, instándolos a tomar más tiros durante el partido.

24. have recourse to or make an appeal or request for help or information to.

After trying to fix the issue on his own, John decided to turn to a professional plumber for assistance. Después de intentar solucionar el problema él solo, Juan decidió recurrir a un plomero profesional para obtener ayuda.

25. go sour or spoil.

The milk turned in the heat, and it was no longer safe to drink. El leche se estropeó por el calor y ya no era seguro beberla.

26. become officially one year older.

As she blew out the candles on her birthday cake, Emma turned another year older and felt grateful for all the blessings in her life. Mientras apagaba las velas en su pastel de cumpleaños, Emma cumplió otro año y se sintió agradecida por todos los bienes que tenía en su vida.


I turn.
You turn.
He/She/It turns.
We turn.
You turn.
They turn.
Complete conjugation.

wash verb

1. clean with some chemical process.

After a long day at the beach, Sarah decided to wash her surfboard to remove the sticky sunscreen residue and saltwater stains. Después de un día largo en la playa, Sarah decidió lavar su tabla de surf para eliminar el residuo pegajoso del bronceador y las manchas de agua salada.

2. cleanse (one's body) with soap and water.

After her morning run, Sarah likes to wash up in the shower to get rid of the sweat and dirt. Después de su carrera matutina, Sarah le gusta lavarse en la ducha para quitarse el sudor y la suciedad.

3. cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water.

After a long day of playing in the mud, Emma's mom made her take a bath to wash off all the dirt and grime. Después de un día largo jugando en el barro, la madre de Emma le hizo tomar un baño para lavar todo el lodo y suciedad.

4. move by or as if by water.

The floodwaters washed away the entire neighborhood, leaving behind only debris and destruction. Las aguas de inundación arrastraron todo el barrio, dejando atrás solo escombros y destrucción.

5. be capable of being washed.

The delicate fabric is washable, so I can machine wash it without worrying about damaging it. El tejido delicado es lavable, por lo que puedo lavarlo en máquina sin preocuparme por dañarlo.

6. admit to testing or proof.

The scientist was willing to wash his hands of the controversy surrounding his research, acknowledging that further testing would be necessary to confirm his claims. El científico estaba dispuesto a desentenderse de la controversia que rodeaba su investigación, reconociendo que sería necesario realizar pruebas adicionales para confirmar sus afirmaciones.

7. separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals).

The geologist spent hours washing the ore to extract the valuable gold and silver deposits. El geólogo pasó horas lavando el mineral para extraer los valiosos depósitos de oro y plata.

8. apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to.

The artist decided to wash her watercolor paper with a mixture of water and glycerin to create a smooth surface for painting. El artista decidió lavar su papel de acuarela con una mezcla de agua y glicerina para crear una superficie lisa para pintar.

9. remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent.

Before serving dinner, Sarah washes her hands thoroughly to ensure they are clean and free of any bacteria. Antes de servir la cena, Sarah lava sus manos concienzudamente para asegurarse de que estén limpias y libres de cualquier bacteria.

10. form by erosion.

The relentless rainstorm washed away the dirt and sand, revealing a layer of smooth stone beneath. La tormenta de lluvia incesante lavó el barro y la arena, revelando una capa de piedra suave debajo.

11. make moist.

The gentle wash of the morning dew on the grassy hillside made it look lush and vibrant. El suave lavado de la mañana del rocío en el lado de la colina cubierta de hierba lo hizo parecer exuberante y vibrante.

12. wash or flow against.

The waves wash against the rocky shore, creating a soothing melody. Las olas chocan contra la costa rocosa, creando un melódico himno.

13. to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking.

The curious kitten likes to wash its paws after playing in the dirt. El gato curioso gusta lavar sus patas después de jugar en el barro.


I wash.
You wash.
He/She/It washes.
We wash.
You wash.
They wash.
Complete conjugation.

machine noun

1. any mechanical or electrical device that transmits or modifies energy to perform or assist in the performance of human tasks.

The industrial machine on the assembly line efficiently assembled the components into a complete product, reducing production time by half. La máquina industrial en la línea de ensamblaje ensambló eficientemente los componentes en un producto completo, reduciendo el tiempo de producción por la mitad.

2. an efficient person.

The new marketing manager is a machine when it comes to meeting deadlines and exceeding targets, consistently delivering high-quality results. El nuevo gerente de marketing es una máquina cuando se trata de cumplir plazos y superar metas, siempre entregando resultados de alta calidad.

3. an intricate organization that accomplishes its goals efficiently.

The well-oiled machine of the company's marketing department quickly adapted to the changing market trends, resulting in a significant increase in sales. El equipo bien engrasado del departamento de marketing de la empresa se adaptó rápidamente a los cambios en las tendencias del mercado, lo que llevó a un aumento significativo en las ventas.

4. a device for overcoming resistance at one point by applying force at some other point.

The industrial machine was able to lift and move heavy loads across the factory floor, thanks to its powerful hydraulic system. La máquina industrial fue capaz de levantar y mover cargas pesadas a través del suelo de la fábrica gracias a su sistema hidráulico potente.

5. a group that controls the activities of a political party.

The Democratic Party machine has been accused of rigging the primaries to favor their own candidates. La máquina del Partido Demócrata ha sido acusada de manipular las primarias para favorecer a sus propios candidatos.

6. a motor vehicle with four wheels.

The sleek black machine pulled out of the parking lot and sped down the highway. El máquina negra y elegante salió del estacionamiento y aceleró por la autopista.

present adjective

1. temporal sense.

The present moment is all that matters; let's focus on the here and now, rather than dwelling on past regrets or worrying about the future. El presente es lo único que importa; vamos a enfocarnos en el aquí y ahora, en lugar de pensar en los remordimientos del pasado o preocuparnos por el futuro.
As we walked through the ancient city, I felt a strong connection to the present landscape, which seemed eerily similar to the ruins depicted in historical texts. Mientras caminábamos por la ciudad antigua, sentí una conexión fuerte con el paisaje actual, que parecía sorprendentemente similar a las ruinas descritas en los textos históricos.

2. being or existing in a specified place.

The murderer is present in this room Traducción de 'The murderer is present in this room'
Present at the wedding Traducción de 'Present at the wedding'
Present at the creation Traducción de 'Present at the creation'